musings from the ladies of a day in may events


Q&A with A Day In May – event season



Hey everyone, Libby the intern here. I am excited to announce the start of a new series called “Q&A with A Day In May!” I’ll be the narrator, asking the team members questions about the industry, A Day In May, and themselves. Alicia, Tana, Emily, and Kerry will be answering these questions individually and secretly until I compile them here on the blog— just to make it all that more exciting and genuine 🙂

It is a very exciting time in the ADIM office right now as our first event of the season is this month. It only seems fitting to ask some questions about what the future holds and what I will be experiencing with these gals over the summer. Drum roll please….

QA_ADIM_3Image via Jen Kroll Photography

How do you prepare for event season?

Alicia: Well first I start with squats. I’m serious! Some days when we are at the job site (aka: venue) we are moving things around, running from here and there and staying in good shape is important. Because the majority of the events we produce are May through November, we sometimes fall victims, ok I fall victim!, to the “cozy” months of winter where cuddling by fire and sipping hot cocoa are more enjoyable hobbies then pumpin’ iron at the gym. Spring can be a rude awakening if you aren’t careful.

Tana: The best way to prepare for event season is to make sure we have as much done in advance as we possibly can.  With events, there are so many things that come up “last minute” that end up needing your time that it’s important to be able to actually have the time to devote to those pieces.  By getting things done in advance- placing orders for candles or new decor pieces, cleaning existing decor in preparation for events, etc.- we set ourselves up for success and smooth setup through execution on event days.

Emily: A… GREAT playlist! There’s so much energy in preparation for event season. When you feel it start to pick up, you’ve got to have a good playlist to keep you moving and grooving along the ride.

Kerry: When event season arrives, there is a sense of excitement buzzing around the office! The energy is contagious as we ensure every last detail is taken care of before the event begins. It’s helpful to make sure our timelines are up to date, the trucks are packed and we have all of our event day supplies inventoried and ready to take with us (some of these are listed in our “Top 9 things we can’t live without on event days” post!). I make sure I have comfortable shoes and a chic black dress (with pockets!). Let the fun begin!

QA_1Image via Jen Kroll Photography

Over the years you have been a part of many, many special celebrations and weddings, each one unique and special in their own right and full of so many exciting moments. What is your favorite moment during a wedding day? 

Alicia: This is a great question as every planner I know has their own favorite! Granted, I love getting to share the reception area we have built or transformed with our couple before their guests enter, but my favorite moment is one far less celebrated and less finite. There’s a moment during a party when the party takes on a life of its own. There’s a palpable shift of energy where our hosts, honorees and guests settle into the moment and experience the moment for what the moment is. While dinner service is happening and our catering teams are rockin’ and rollin’, I’m in the dining area scanning the room and, generally between the first and second course the shift happens (it could be the wine talking!) and it really is beautiful. It’s a bit like being a conductor and watching your orchestra play the most beautiful piece of music after months and months of rehearsing. I love this moment because it’s so small that most people miss it but it’s this moment that means everything to me.

Tana: I love the Ceremony, it’s always so special and really is the reason we are all here after all. Speeches are also a fun point in the day as you never quite know what to expect.  Sometimes they’re excellent leaving not a dry eye in the house and other times, you can’t wish them to end faster.  Either way, they’re usually memorable point in the evening. I also love the first dances!  You’ll typically find the ladies of ADIM bawling in a corner during the Father/Daughter dance.  It’s just such a special moment! Lastly, as the evening progresses, the dance moves typically get better and better (if you know what I mean).  This is always fun to watch from our perspective!

Emily: The reveal. During almost every wedding, we have a quiet moment to reveal the final tent set up to our couples and their families before any of the guests enter. It’s such an treasure to witness the excitement (and happy tears) of their reactions. To see such an incredible moment, and know that we have brought their dreams to life, is truly an honor. It really shows what you can do with the beautiful vision of our couples, lots of hard work and maybe a touch of fairy dust.  😉

Kerry: My favorite moment would have to be the ceremony…seeing the groom’s reaction as his bride walks down the aisle, and the proud parents lovingly watch their children exchange vows is so special. This is why we do what we do! Another favorite moment (I can’t just pick one!) is seeing the couple and their families enter the tent or reception space for the first time! The space we have spent months planning and dreaming up is right before their eyes. We love a good reveal at ADIM.

Image via Jen Kroll Photography

So I’ve heard that event hangovers may or may not exist. What do they entail and how do you cope with them?

Alicia: Haha, have we scared you Libby?! First of all, this is no myth. Event hangovers actually exist. And no, it’s not because we are boozing it up with the guests- our celebratory toast is how we help to cure this wretched hangover. We pour our heart and soul into the events we produce, no matter how big or small, and after all the fun and frivolity have passed waking up the morning after the excitement is a bit like a Mack Truck hitting you on a Formula One race track. But that’s not it, from the rapid firing of brain synapses during the week and weekend leading up to the pinnacle event, my brain is tired. So if I talk a little slow the day after a party, drag my feet a bit, give me a Gatorade with a side car Bloody Mary and giant plate of Mac n Cheese and I’ll be back in action in no time!

Tana: An event hangover is REAL!  Your legs ache, your feet look like bricks with toes, your head hurts, your face is puffy… I could go on and on.  The best way to deal is to really just push through and hydrate yourself.  Most of the “symptoms” come from being dehydrated anyways so by giving your body some fuel, good ole H2O and some electrolytes (if possible), it really helps to give you the last energy boost needed to finish out the day.  Sleep will come soon enough which always feels heavenly!

Emily: Event hangovers are so, so rude. You get all of the physical exhaustion, sore muscles and pounding headaches of an amazing night out with your girlfriends, without any of the actual ’night out with your girlfriends’. However, let’s be honest, we always make sure to get ourselves on the dance floor with our couples for at least one song! My go-to is always a fountain Diet Coke, a big glass of ice water, and some Aleve. If you’re lucky enough to have some Blowfish handy, make sure to add that to the list. Oh, and once the day is done, maybe (definitely) some Netflix.

Kerry: Last summer was my first official event season! The girls had warned me of the so-called “event hangover” and I didn’t quite understand the concept until I experienced it firsthand…let me tell you, the “event hangover” is real! After long days of set up and late nights of celebration, you can find yourself quite dehydrated and fatigued. Water is your best friend on event days, and after guests go home raving about a fabulous party and tear down is complete, a day of relaxation is pure bliss!

QA_ADIM_2Image via Harwell Photography

Wonderful responses ladies, they’ve made me very excited (and, honestly, a little bit nervous) for this upcoming season! Can’t wait for an epic birthday party this weekend celebrating a very special four year old.

Until next time,



top 9 lewis carroll quotes


Illustration via Rifle Paper Co.

Almost daily at the ADIM offices,  you will overhear Lish using quotes from Lewis Carroll. The most popular being from Alice in Wonderland…we often go “down the rabbit hole”  as ideas and inspiration flow endlessly while we brainstorm for every event. The beloved author and clever wordsmith imparted much wisdom in his works – here are our top 9 favorites!

  1. “You’re mad. Bonkers. Off your head…but I’ll tell you a secret…all of the best people are.”
  2. “Sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
  3. “One of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others.”
  4. “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”
  5. “In the end…we only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.”
  6. “Always keep the simple and loving heart of your childhood.”
  7. “Alice: How long is forever? White Rabbit: Sometimes, just one second.”
  8. “Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t. That’s logic.”
  9. “Actually the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures…”

Meet Libby


Please join us in giving a warm welcome to our fabulous new intern, Libby! This is Libby’s second week here at the ADIM office and already we adore her! Her quick wit, kind heart and can-do attitude make her the perfect addition to our team. Already she has helped pack (and move!) our office, plan a birthday party in record time, and create a new blog series (stay tuned for exciting new content!). We have quickly learned that she is allergic to cinnamon, doesn’t like eggs (we don’t have to worry about her getting Em’s farm fresh eggs – more for us!), is an internet super sleuth and just as crazy as we are! There is nothing she can’t do (but she has yet to befriend the FedEx and UPS drivers, jury is still out) and we are so excited to have her on this journey with us for the summer.

Welcome to the team, Libby! And GO BLUE! (Oh yah, did we mention she’s a student at Alicia’s Alma mater?!)

top 9 things we can’t live without on event days

Event days are fast paced and a whirlwind of excitement leading up to the big celebration and evening festivities and over the years we have honed in our essentials for success! Being prepared for any situation that may arise during the set up and execution of the event is key but when it’s go time- it’s GO TIME! Here are the top 9 essentials we always have on hand for event days!


 1. Mophie Portable Cell Phone Chargers – with vendors coming and going, sometimes plans changing on the fly, staying connected is muy importante! Lish has been called “Thumbs of Fury” on event days so when the iPhone battery dwindles we always have backup chargers handy!


2. Breath Mints (who doesn’t love some good ol’ orange Tic Tacs?!) because, well, it’s important!


3. Sharpies…never leave home without one! These babies are perfect for making notes, labeling supplies and editing timelines on the go. We love the retractable ones so you never loose a cap or end up with black hands from grabbing the wrong end!


4. Timelines..aka our holy grail document that ensure the day runs smoothly and yes, we recycle as these puppies can get pretty lengthy!


5. Cute yet comfortable shoes like these from Clark’s are invaluable! Your feet are what carry you from situation to situation and sometimes running in heels is the only option!


6 & 7 – Handheld radios and headsets so the entire team can be in communication- we haven’t figured out teleportation but are working on it! And these adorable aprons to stash our knick knacks like our Mophie’s, Sharpies, timelines and such- thanks Jen Buehler-Shabbir for making them for us!!


8. Omaha, our 25′, 1971 Airstream Caravanner International, also known as “The Party Wagon” and Mobile HQ.  (We purchased her in Nebraska hence the name…). More to come about Ohmee- that’s her nickname, but we can’t imagine life without her!


9. And last, but certainly not least- Our Know How! We are professional problem solvers and the ability to get our Sherlock Holmes on is something we’re thankful we don’t  have to remember to pack 😉 Resourcefulness, ingenuity and common sense are worth their weight in gold on event days.

ms. sandberg


Image via Jennifer Leahy for Facebook

This week we have been deeply inspired by the commencement speech delivered by the Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook and author of “Lean In.” Her powerful words will move you and remind you that we are all human, and though difficult moments will occur, we must be resilient by finding gratitude and appreciation for the beautiful lives we live.

Here is an abbreviated version of her remarks as well as a link to the entire speech delivered to the 2016 graduating class at University of California, Berkeley.

Have a lovely weekend!