musings from the ladies of a day in may events


Q&A with ADIM – Entertaining Favorites

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I’m baaack! So far this summer, I’ve learned that the ladies at A Day in May undoubtably know how to throw a party. However, I thought it would be fun to see how these women entertain for fun rather than for work (not to say that our work isn’t fun). Here they’ll be letting you in on their entertaining favorites and essentials.

What is your favorite food to make when entertaining?

Alicia: I think I know what Tana is going to say (she brings a strong meat and cheese board game and LOVES her dips) so I have to make sure mine is original. And I bet it’s an answer LEAST expected… I’m a total creature of habit but when it comes to entertaining at home I love trying new recipes! Don’t get me wrong, I love to cook and whip up my go-to meals, but that’s when I have decision-making-fatigue and we need to eat for sustenance vs. for fun. Menu planning is one of my favorite elements of the events we produce. It allows us to infuse the flavors of the client, the season, and the location into a culinary experience, and in my own way, cooking dinner for friends or family is an extension of that. But, for the record, every time we have guests over for dinner I don’t entirely create new, never before seen dishes at Casa de Caldecott. My stand by and always a crowd pleaser are New York Strips from Burritt’s Market  with sautéed spinach and sinfully rich mashed potatoes. I’ve never had a guest not clean their plate and thanks to our client-turned-dear-friend, Caitlin Doyle, I learned how to make mashed potatoes from her Aunt Nancy that will leave the plates licked clean!

Tana: While I’d never be one to turn down an invitation to a dinner party, there’s something so sophisticated, chic and easy about a cocktail party featuring heavy hors d’oeuvres. Even if you’re the worst cook in the world, you can pull this plan off. Make a visit to your local gourmet deli and cheese shop- I personally love Burritt’s, Folgarellis, and The Cheese Lady in TC- and ask the experts. Tell them what you’re looking for, how many guests, and they’ll be sure to guide you towards success!

When it comes to cooking, I’m darn good at it (don’t want to brag but it is one of my favorite hobbies). While I love taking on the challenge of a gourmet recipe, my husband is a sucker for the easy, non-healthy stuff. He once told me that my dips were some of the best he’s had. So with that being said, bring on Sunday football, tortilla chips and an assortment of dips!

Emily: I love, love, LOVE pesto and one of my favorite appetizers to bring to a party are these little (unnamed) Chicken Pesto bites. Picture a toothpick holding together fresh mozzarella wrapped with a small piece of chicken and drizzled with pesto – now bake it and let the cheese get crispy – YUM! An absolute favorite!

Kerry: My favorite meals are casual with friends and family gathered around the table. I love sharing small plates and creating a tapas style menu so you can sample a variety of dishes. Some of my favorites to make are roasted red peppers with goat cheese and honey or watermelon, feta and prosciutto skewers in the summertime.



Image via Jen Kroll Photography

Favorite drinks to serve?

Alicia: Coming up with new cocktails is something that I love doing especially when bringing to a party or around the holidays. For years I have been making infused simple syrups to add some excitement to a G&T or Vodka Soda. My favorites are mint and lime, rosemary, and lavender verbena. Make a 1:2, sugar:water, mixture, bring the herbs and syrup to a boil and simmer. Voila- that easy (thanks to my friends at The Grand Bevy)! I also love whipping up a Negroni to enjoy while cooking or around the appetizers. In the summer, when the temperatures warm up, crisp, clean wines are a great way to ease into an evening. We start with a Vino Verde and then usually open a Rosé; Vacationer by Brett Dennen and JWThomas Wines or Boathouse vineyards License to Chill are both great but there really isn’t a Rosé I haven’t liked! I’m not a big beer drinker but for my hubby and the men that dine in our family, we always keep a selection of domestic and craft beers—Stella, Bells, and Founders are never far from out of reach. TIP: When entertaining for a larger group, keep your drinks to 3 ingredients or less + a garnish and make the bar self serve! And having a Soda Stream in the kitchen is the best investment ever!

Tana: My grandparents live in FL in the summer and always send a box of fresh citrus around the holidays. I once concocted a grapefruit ginger martini that was killer. While I don’t have the exact measurements, it was something like this:

Half grapefruit, juiced
Shot of vodka
1/2 shot ginger simple syrup (equal parts sugar and water. Heat until sugar dissolves. Steep fresh ginger in hot syrup to desired flavor)
1/2 shot orange simple syrup (same recipe as above but use large chunks of orange peel instead of ginger)
Pour into a cocktail shaker and shake 187 times (family joke but you do want the little bits of ice in your drink). Strain into a martini glass. This drink could always be served over ice in a rocks glass and cut with club soda if preferred.
Helpful hint- if you don’t have a cocktail shaker, ball jars work GREAT!
Emily: Champagne or Prosecco is always present at any party that I host – not only because it’s without a doubt my favorite, but because it’s just such a happy beverage. It always conveys celebration, whether it’s for one of your friends who got engaged or if you just want to toast the fact that it didn’t rain during your backyard party. 

Kerry: Since it is summertime, I am all about the Rosé at the moment. My favorite is Whispering Angel. I also love to make gimlets with vodka, fresh lime and mint!


Image via Cory Weber

Favorite music for entertaining?

Alicia: A few years ago we used Emily’s phone to play our commercial free Pandora Station, so she’s had my password ever since and after a weekend sometimes there are new stations that have popped up- so, I could tell you what Em likes! In all seriousness, I think Pandora is a great, easy way to set and forget the musical atmosphere. Music is so important to creating a vibe but I typically set the playlist based on what I want to listen to and what I think the guests will like. For me, cooking and entertaining for those I love is a form of relaxation and the girls know I can’t live without my Fleetwood Mac radio station, but not everyone (my husband included) doesn’t have the same leather and lacy affinity that I do, so we compromise—during dinner prep I play what I want to listen to, and then he takes over with Bon Iver or Avett Brothers for the night. Now, if this “entertaining” is a party and cause for celebration, all bets are off and we bring out the 80’s love ballads or 90’s rock bands. My air guitar of choice is my right leg and I play a mean solo!

Tana: I’m not a huge music person. At a get together to me, it’s all about the conversation. However, if the conversation were to lull having some Pandora or Spotify playing in the background with the station of your choice is a good fix.

Emily: This depends a lot on the crowd and location, but I would say that if it’s a backyard barbecue, that CCR is ALWAYS on the playlist. An amazing bride once told us ADIM ladies about a little type of music called “Carolina Beach Music” – let’s just say it’s amazing and serves up nothing but great, older dancing hits, including CCR. If it’s a a low-key get together with a small group of friends, indie music of some sort is always in the background. Sigur Ros and Explosions in the Sky hold a special place in my heart.

Kerry: I love Van Morrison or Bossa Nova for dinner parties. For low key summertime entertaining with friends, my husband and I love Pandora’s Hip Hop BBQ station 😉


Image via Jen Kroll Photography

Favorite hostess gift (given or received)?

Alicia: I believe there are levels of hostess gifts. Giving really depends on the occasion and season. Not every gift has to have a personal relevance and story. Basically, don’t overthink it, but do put some thought into it. Some of my go-tos are fun tea towels (the ones from catstudio are amazing), cocktail napkins, or coasters. I am a sucker for ones that can be personalized with a good monogram or crest, I suppose I am kind of a prep when it comes to these things. Another great realm of giving is kitchenware that you would not usually buy for yourself is amazing when it is gifted to you. For example, vintage glassware in sets of four will always be fun and useful whether you’re serving cocktails on Saturday night or juice on Sunday mornings. And to go along with the cheese plate Tana is bringing, spread knives make great gifts as they disappear so easily you can never have enough.

Of course wine is a classic gift. When going to a friend’s house for dinner, I usually bring a bottle or two. I’ve never met a grape I didn’t like. However, if you are going to bring wine, by making sure it is in season the recipient will be much more likely to drink it! For an added bonus you could gift a Corkcicle, which is perfect for the summertime.

Tana: Wine is a no brainer but always great! A bouquet of fresh flowers would also be lovely. The best gift of all? Ask you you can be of help when you arrive and throughout the evening. Even if help isn’t needed, the gesture is sure to be appreciated.

Emily: Besides receiving the aforementioned bottle of Champagne, I would say that my favorite gift to receive is a recipe for the dish that a guest brought. I love the idea of gathering together and sharing something that might leave a lasting impression. We all know those crazy recipes that a family member always brings – well, that could have been started years ago from a little get together in which guests shared recipes. I love the sweet tradition behind it!

Kerry: This is super cliche but I love giving a great candle or something to pamper the hostess and thank them for their hospitality. My recent favorite is Nest Fragrances’ Moroccan Amber candle. The soaps and diffusers are fabulous as well! Here are 9 other suggestions if you are on the hunt for great hostess gifts.


Image via Cory Weber

What is one party essential you absolutely cannot live without?

Alicia: Ice. You can never have enough ice. Cocktails are meant to be chilled. I prefer to buy bagged ice when we entertain because it melts clear. It may not be shaped into perfect cubes, but due to the way it is produced it just looks nicer when it melts. However, outside northern Michigan in the winter doubles as a freezer. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and if you have to grab some snow just be sure to stay away from anything yellow 😉

Tana: Serving pieces- bowls, dishes, platters–and cocktail napkins. It seems like I always run out of things to put the food in and I’m always super jealous of people that have an amazing collection of coordinating service ware (something to aspire to I suppose). Fun cocktail napkins are readily available at home accessory boutiques and bigger box stores like TJ Maxx and HomeGoods. Always put out more than you think you’ll need.

Emily: Music. Honestly I just love everyone being together and chatting, all while hearing some fun tunes playing in the background. It’s the cherry on top of having such special people around you.

Kerry: Champagne 😉 ….and friends and family!


Image via Jen Kroll Photography


Reading this has gotten me all excited to have some guests over! While I don’t think I’ll be hosting a soirée at my house in Ann Arbor that we have crammed seven people into anytime soon, tips like these are helpful for any sort of occasion, no matter how elegant or casual.

